Product Description

Incredible BULK® redefines innovation in sports nutrition weight bulk formulas. This calorie intense, protein packed, amino acid enhanced cocktail is engineered using VitaGrow(Carbohydrate Sustain Matrix), best known sources of carbohydrates, Multi Stage Protein Release Matrix for increased nitrogen retention, fast absorption and stored power, Enhanced with Lipolytic Fat Matrix & OMEGA Matrix by far the most essential and functional Fatty Acids (EFA) This potent combination has been formulated to create a powerful mass builder for incredible gains. Incredible BULK® has been scientifically formulated for the hard-gainers (ectomorphs).

Note from R&D:  In our quest for Research and Development in the ectomorphic characteristics and somatotype we discovered a Special Technology for Ultra Calorie Absorption!This Experimental Application has proven its efficacy For this Product.

Who is ectomorph?

An ectomorph or hardgainer is a person who trains hard but has a hard time putting on muscle. Over 2 months of hard workouts can go by and no significant changes in muscle size are noted other than perhaps a bit of an increase in muscle tone and relief, and an athlete can go broke and go out of a gym.

Ectomorphs are very limited in the muscle building ability due to their metabolism which is very high. This means that by the physiology ectomorphs burn through calories that their body is fed at such a fast rate that there is little energy left for muscle building and when the calories run out, the body begins to eat the muscles.

When is the best period in life to make a difference?

The best period to gain muscles for ectomorphs is during puberty when anabolic hormone production is at an all time high. Between the ages of 25 and 30, gaining muscle becomes harder, due to the fact that hormonal production starts declining.

What is the main function of Incredible BULK®?
Incredible BULK® is a weight gainer formulated to maximize lean tissue growth and minimize fat gain. It suits unique metabolism of hardgainer. Most probably the best ectomorphs’ weightgainer available in the market.

Am I getting plenty of BCAAs Amino?
Pretty sure, you do. With each scoop you have 13 Gr of BCAA’s Per Serving.

Is Incredible BULK® safe?
Use Incredible BULK® only as directed. See caution and warning in groundbreaking specifications. Do not consume with any other stimulant-containing products. To Date, side effects have not been reported with the use of Incredible BULK®.

How should I use Incredible BULK® ™ For Maximum Gains?

1st. Incredible BULK® Gain Phase™
is ideal for those looking to put quality mass on short term.
Mix four level scoops of Incredible BULK® 2-times per day, take the first serving between your first and second meal and your second serving immediately following training. The non-training days take your second serving between the second and third meal.
4 SCoops x 2 times per DAY
Servings should be combined with 4 oz. of cold water per scoop and mixed thoroughly in blender. Therefore, 4 scoops will be mixed with 16 oz. of water.

Suggested Typical Weight Gain Diet

Meal 1– 6 egg whites, 2 whole eggs, 1 half serving of Incredible BULK® in skim milk, 1 cup oatmeal with raisins and 1 piece of wheat toast.

Meal 2– 1 Incredible BULK® serving in skim milk 1 piece of fruit.

Meal 3– 10 oz. chicken, 1 large potato with cheese, salad and slice of whole wheat bread.

Meal 4 – 1 (8 to 12oz.) Steak, 1-cup of cottage cheese with half cup of unsweetened pineapple and 1 cup veggies of choice.

Meal 5 – 1 Power Mass serving in skim milk 1 piece of fruit.

Meal 6 – 10 egg whites and 2 yolks (with salsa added for flavor) 1 medium bowl of popcorn for snack.

For serious Weight Gain we suggest 3-4 regular meals and 2-3 Incredible BULK® shakes per day. We suggest. Combine with MVP’s Next Level Creatine for a powerful shake.

IMPORTANT: Consult your physician before undergoing any diet. This information is for educational purposes only. Please seek the advice of a competent physician before utilizing this or any information concerning your diet.

2nd. Incredible BULK® Maintain Phase™
is set for those who have already completed the Incredible BULK® Gain Phase™ and have reached their target weight but now want to maintain their achieved gains.

Mix two level scoops of Incredible BULK® 2-times per day, take the first serving between your first and second meal and your second serving immediately following training. Non-training days take your second serving between second and third meal.

2 SCoops x 2 times per DAY

Servings should be combined with 4 oz. of cold water per scoop and mixed thoroughly in blender. Therefore, 2 scoops will be mixed with 8 oz. of water

The first step to Gain Weight is to eat a proper diet. A proper Weight Gain Diet should include consuming at least 1 grams of protein per pound of body weight.

So if you weigh 165lbs, the amount of protein that you should take in for weight Gain should be at least 165 grams per day. The breakdown of protein to carbohydrates to fat should be: 40% protein, 30% carbohydrates, and 30% Good source of fat. This type of diet should be significant enough to provide ample weight gain Weight Gain meals: For proper Weight Gain, you should eat 5-7 small meals (or Weight Gain shakes) spaced evenly over the course of a day.

3rd. Incredible BULK® Anabolic Rebound Phase 
For Advanced Users ONLY

The notion of the Anabolic Rebound has been well-known in the bodybuilding world since the beginning. It is the quick augmentation in power, strength and size, following an extremely restraining competition diet. The body, having adjusted to low-calories and high-exertion, becomes fully primed to capitalize on hyper-caloric feeding. By super-loading, the body with high quality, nutrient-dense calories and the body responds with incredible growth. The Anabolic Rebound Phase™ is the perfect way to incredibly pack on pounds of high quality muscle and breakthrough any size plateau. Take your physic to a new whole level.

Mix three level scoops of Incredible BULK® serving between meals and three scoops immediately following training and three scoops before bed. If you are training twice a day, your first two servings have to be taken following training.

3 SCoops x 3 times per DAY

Serving should be combined with 4 oz. of cold water per scoop and mixed thoroughly in blender.
( Therefore, 3 scoops will be mixed with 12 oz of water).